Roy D. Bridges Jr., KSC's next center director, at right, poses in the firing room of the Launch Control Center with two top contractor officials, L to R Michael McCulley and Bruce Melnick ca. 1997

Roy D. Bridges Jr., KSC's next center director, at right, poses in the firing room of the Launch Control Center with two top contractor officials, L to R Michael McCulley and Bruce Melnick ca. 1997


Roy D. Bridges Jr., KSC's next center director, at right, poses in the firing room of the Launch Control Center with two top contractor officials at Kennedy Space Center during the STS-82 launch of Discovery on the second Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission. From left, are Michael J. McCulley, vice president and associate program manager for ground operations for United Space Alliance at KSC; and Bruce Melnick, vice president of McDonnell Douglas Space and Defense Systems-KSC. Bridges is slated to become KSC's seventh center director on March 2, succeeding Jay F. Honeycutt




11 févr. 1997


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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