STS-35 ASTRO-1 telescopes documented in OV-102's payload bay (PLB)
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STS-35 ASTRO-1 telescopes documented in OV-102's payload bay (PLB)


(2-10 Dec. 1990) --- The various components of the Astro-1 payload are seen backdropped against the blue and white Earth in this 35mm scene photographed through Columbia's aft flight deck windows. Parts of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) and the Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment (WUPPE) are visible on the Spacelab Pallet in the foreground. The Broad Band X-Ray Telescope (BBXRT) is behind this pallet and is not visible in this scene. The smaller cylinder in the foreground is the "Igloo," which is a pressurized container housing the Command and Data Management System, which interfaces with the in-cabin controllers to control the Instrument Pointing System (IPS) and the telescopes.




Photo12/Universal Images Group

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30,4Mo (1,5Mo) / 22,4cm x 34,0cm / 2644 x 4015 (300dpi)

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