Dry Goods
Advertising broadside for dry goods. Issued by the G. & J.H. Cooper company. "The Union must and shall be preserved" : G. & J.H. Cooper would respectfully announce to the citizens of Mount Jackson, and surrounding country, that they are now receiving and opening at the old stand, direct from Philadelphia and New York, a complete and carefully selected stock of goods, many of which were bought at the greatly reduced panic prices, consisting of dry goods! Ready made clothing, groceries, hardware, queensware, boots and shoes, hats and caps, &c. A good stock of paints, oils & dye stuffs. And in fact almost everything kept in a country store, all of which will be sold very cheap. . Country produce taken at market prices. Mount Jackson, Lawrence Co., Pa. / G. & J.H. Cooper. ., G. & J.H. Cooper would respectfully announce to the citizens of Mount Jackson, and surrounding country. The illustrations show two sets of three soldiers facing right; an officer standing, left arm raised, telescope in right hand; three people, one holding a U.S. flag, with the banner: Hurra for G. & J.H. Cooper,; and two sets of three soldiers facing left.
Photo12/UIG/Universal History Archive
Notre référence
Model release
Property release
Droits gérés
Format disponible
16,9Mo (1,3Mo) / 18,6cm x 22,7cm / 2196 x 2682 (300dpi)