The caption for this illustration that dates to around 1865 reads: In a moment Colbert sprung upon the robber's steed, and clapping spurs to him, was out of sight before the thief had time to recover himself. Jean Baptiste Colbert was the comptroller (minister) of finance from 1665 and secretary of the navy form 1668 under King Louis XIV of France. It was said at age 15, when working for his father, he took a short way home, and was held up by a robber. Resourcefully, he threw some coins on the ground and got off his horse. The robber went ot collect the coins, Colbert mounted the steed and took off unharmed, with all the rest of the money still with him.
Photo12/Universal Images Group/Ivy Close Images
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51,3Mo (2,8Mo) / 32,1cm x 40,1cm / 3786 x 4740 (300dpi)