
339 résultats pour : batterie

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The World's Peace Jubilee and International Musical Festival at Boston, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

The World's Peace Jubilee and International Musica...

The French Siege of Paris: advanced post in the village of Issy, 1871. Creator: C. R..

The French Siege of Paris: advanced post in the vi...

The French Siege of Paris: bridge at the Point du Jour, with gun-boats of the Commune, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The French Siege of Paris: bridge at the Point du ...

Scenes of the Late War in France: ruins of the public library at Strasbourg, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Scenes of the Late War in France: ruins of the pub...

The Volunteer Review: the first halt, at Sutton, Friday morning, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Volunteer Review: the first halt, at Sutton, F...

Bursting of Prussian shells within the Porte d'Auteuil, Paris, (sketch by balloon post), 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Bursting of Prussian shells within the Porte d'Aut...

The Civil War in France: Fort Valérien firing at Paris, 1871. Creator: C. R..

The Civil War in France: Fort Valérien firing at P...

The Civil War in France: inside the Porte Maillot, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Civil War in France: inside the Porte Maillot,...

A French battery before Paris, (sketch by balloon post), 1871. Creator: Unknown.

A French battery before Paris, (sketch by balloon ...

The sortie from Paris, Jan. 19: view from the Prussian left, at Louveciennes, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The sortie from Paris, Jan. 19: view from the Prus...

The French Siege of Paris: May morning, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The French Siege of Paris: May morning, 1871. Crea...

Civil War in France: a shell at Suresnes - from a sketch taken immediately after the explosion, 1871 Creator: Matthew White Ridley.

Civil War in France: a shell at Suresnes - from a ...

The French Siege of Paris: selling fragments of shells in the Avenue des Champs Elysées, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The French Siege of Paris: selling fragments of sh...

The French Siege of Paris: battery at Courbevoie, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The French Siege of Paris: battery at Courbevoie, ...

The Indian Store Department, Belvedere-Road, Lambeth, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Indian Store Department, Belvedere-Road, Lambe...

The Expedition to Abyssinia: mules and mule drivers, 1868. Creator: C. R..

The Expedition to Abyssinia: mules and mule driver...

The Expedition to Abyssinia: water-carriers and camp followers, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Expedition to Abyssinia: water-carriers and ca...

Review in Phoenix Park: the 12th Lancers galloping past, 1868. Creator: C. R..

Review in Phoenix Park: the 12th Lancers galloping...

The Volunteer Review at Portsmouth: the 1st Middlesex Artillery,...Cosham,...Good Friday, 1868. Creator: C. R..

The Volunteer Review at Portsmouth: the 1st Middle...

Review before the Emperor and the Prince of Wales in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 1869. Creator: Unknown.

Review before the Emperor and the Prince of Wales ...

The new overland route to India: Mont Cenis Railway - Fort l'Esseillon, at Brabans, 1869.  Creator: Unknown.

The new overland route to India: Mont Cenis Railwa...

Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our special artist: battery on the...Dannewerk, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our speci...

Destruction of the fortifications of the Ionian Islands: Fort Neuf, in the harbour of Corfu, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Destruction of the fortifications of the Ionian Is...

The War in Denmark: the assault on No. 4 Redoubt at Düppel...by our special artist, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The War in Denmark: the assault on No. 4 Redoubt a...

Dedication of the Monument on the battle-field of Bull Run, Virginia, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Dedication of the Monument on the battle-field of ...

Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our special artist: the Dannewerk, Redoubt No. 11, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our speci...

The War in Denmark: sketch of the Redoubts...at Düppel, showing the...outpost sentries..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The War in Denmark: sketch of the Redoubts...at Dü...

The War in Denmark: village of Eckersünde and bridge of boats..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The War in Denmark: village of Eckersünde and brid...

Illustrations of the War in Denmark: fight between the Danes and the Austrians at Veile..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Illustrations of the War in Denmark: fight between...

The seat of war in Denmark, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The seat of war in Denmark, 1864. Creator: Unknown...

Laying of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable: Sir Robert Peel addressing bystanders...at Valencia, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Laying of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable: Sir Robert...

The Cours Nolivos, or Public Promenade of Basseterre, Guadaloupe, French West Indies, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The Cours Nolivos, or Public Promenade of Basseter...

The town of Basseterre, Guadaloupe, French West Indies, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The town of Basseterre, Guadaloupe, French West In...

The War in Denmark: the Rolf Krake, Danish...gun-boat...engaging the Prussians before Düppel, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The War in Denmark: the Rolf Krake, Danish...gun-b...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: Review on Southsea Common, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: Re...

Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our special artist: the Dannewerk, Redoubt No. 10, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Illustrations of the War in Schleswig by our speci...

The semicircular rampart at the Dannewerk, near Bustrup, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The semicircular rampart at the Dannewerk, near Bu...

Review in the Champ de Mars at Paris in honour of the King Consort of Spain, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.

Review in the Champ de Mars at Paris in honour of ...

The Guard-house of Humaita, Paraguay, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.

The Guard-house of Humaita, Paraguay, 1864. Creato...

The War in Japan: the Red Battery opening fire on the corvettes, Sept. 6, 1864. Creator: Smyth.

The War in Japan: the Red Battery opening fire on ...

The War in Japan: action of Sept. 5, in the Strait of Simonosaki, 1864. Creator: Edwin Weedon.

The War in Japan: action of Sept. 5, in the Strait...

The Arrival of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at Alexandria, Egypt, 1862. Creator: Smyth.

The Arrival of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wa...

The Civil War in America - portion of the water batteries at Fort Pillow..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The Civil War in America - portion of the water ba...

The Civil War in America: Drury's Bluff, a Confederate position on the James River..., 1862. Creator: Unknown;Unknown.

The Civil War in America: Drury's Bluff, a Confede...

The Cavalli Cannon at the Florence Exhibition, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Cavalli Cannon at the Florence Exhibition, 186...

Reinforcements for Canada: the Military Train, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

Reinforcements for Canada: the Military Train, 186...

Embarkation at Woolwich, yesterday week, of the E Battery Fourth Brigade of Royal Field..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.

Embarkation at Woolwich, yesterday week, of the E ...

The Civil War in America: attack on the Confederate batteries at Bull Run by the 27th and..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Civil War in America: attack on the Confederat...

Monster swing-bridge at Brest, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

Monster swing-bridge at Brest, 1861. Creator: Unkn...

The Civil War in America: Federal picket on the Potomac, in front of the Confederate..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Civil War in America: Federal picket on the Po...

Engagement between the "Bourbonnais" Neapolitan steam-frigate and the ship-gun battery..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.

Engagement between the "Bourbonnais" Neapolitan st...

The attack on the Peiho Forts on the 21st of August, 1860..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.

The attack on the Peiho Forts on the 21st of Augus...

Garibaldi at the Faro Point, Messina, reconnoitring the Fort Torre di Cavallo, Calabria..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.

Garibaldi at the Faro Point, Messina, reconnoitrin...

The Town and Castle of Gaeta - from a drawing by S. Read, 1860. Creator: Unknown.

The Town and Castle of Gaeta - from a drawing by S...

The Prince of Wales in Canada - His Royal Highness escorted to Montreal by a fleet..., 1860. Creator: Smyth.

The Prince of Wales in Canada - His Royal Highness...

'Les precautions contre les gaz; Arrete par un factionnaire muni d'un ecriteau: "Attention, nappe de Creator: Unknown.

'Les precautions contre les gaz; Arrete par un fac...

Review of Royal Horse Artillery and Field Batteries at Woolwich, by the Duke of Cambridge..., 1860. Creator: Frederick John Skill.

Review of Royal Horse Artillery and Field Batterie...

'Sur la Tcherna ; Pieces francaises de 155 long en batterie pour appuyer la progression de l'infante Creator: Unknown.

'Sur la Tcherna ; Pieces francaises de 155 long en...

The storming and capture of the North Fort, Peiho, on the 21st August, 1860... Creator: Unknown.

The storming and capture of the North Fort, Peiho,...

Toulon, 1858.  Creator: Unknown.

Toulon, 1858. Creator: Unknown.

Lighting a mortar in an armoured battery, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste Raffet.

Lighting a mortar in an armoured battery, 1832, (1...

Brest, 1858.  Creator: Unknown.

Brest, 1858. Creator: Unknown.

'Notre Artillerie dans les lignes Allemandes; un groupe francais de 75 en batterie, le soir..., 1918 Creator: Unknown.

'Notre Artillerie dans les lignes Allemandes; un g...

Artillery Practice before the Prince of Wales at Malta, 1876. Creator: Unknown.

Artillery Practice before the Prince of Wales at M...

'L'Outillage Ennemi et le Notre; La solution allemande du canon d'accompagnement..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'L'Outillage Ennemi et le Notre; La solution allem...

'A travers le champ de bataille; anciens emplacements de batteries allemandes et pieces..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'A travers le champ de bataille; anciens emplaceme...

'Dans la Bataille; Mise en batterie d'un 155 Schneider', 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Dans la Bataille; Mise en batterie d'un 155 Schne...

'Dans la Bataille; Entre deux engagements, des elements d'infanterie reprennent haleine..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Dans la Bataille; Entre deux engagements, des ele...

Artillery, 1832, (1833).  Creator: Auguste Raffet.

Artillery, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste Raffet.

The Battle of La Malmaison; One of the high-powered heavy artillery batteries.., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

The Battle of La Malmaison; One of the high-powere...

'A l'est de Montdidier; batterie d'artillerie de campagne progressant avec l'infanterie', 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'A l'est de Montdidier; batterie d'artillerie de c...

'Preparatifs d'offensive; Le remplissage des caissons assurant le transport des munitions... 1917. Creator: Unknown.

'Preparatifs d'offensive; Le remplissage des caiss...

'A travers le champ de bataille; notre avance vers Lassigny: batterie francaise de 155 en..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'A travers le champ de bataille; notre avance vers...

'Devant Montdidier; Batteries de 155 en action', 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Devant Montdidier; Batteries de 155 en action', 1...

'Notre Artillerie dans les lignes Allemandes; batteries amercaines de 155, en position de..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Notre Artillerie dans les lignes Allemandes; batt...

'Les Americains en Ligne; Le savant camouflage d'une piece de 75 appartenant a une..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

'Les Americains en Ligne; Le savant camouflage d'u...

'Devant Montdidier; Batterie de 75 en position', 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Devant Montdidier; Batterie de 75 en position', 1...

'Dans le bataille; une batterie d'artillerie se replie pour aller prendre position en arriere', 1918 Creator: Unknown.

'Dans le bataille; une batterie d'artillerie se re...

'Au Volant; Ravitaillement en munitions d'une batterie en action', 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Au Volant; Ravitaillement en munitions d'une batt...

'Transports in Table Bay During the South African War', c1900. Creator: Charles John De Lacy.

'Transports in Table Bay During the South African ...

Plan of the Attack on the Forts and Batteries of Canton, Nov.12 and 13, 1856, (1857). Creator: Unknown.

Plan of the Attack on the Forts and Batteries of C...

'La Bataille de la Somme; En terrain reconquis: une batterie francaise d'artillerie de..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'La Bataille de la Somme; En terrain reconquis: un...

'Episodes de la bataille de Verdun; La derniere phase de la resistance du fort de Vaux, 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Episodes de la bataille de Verdun; La derniere ph...

''Le Terrain de l'offensive; Prisonnier bulgare montrant a deux officiers, un Francais..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

''Le Terrain de l'offensive; Prisonnier bulgare mo...

''En Argonne; Sur les bords de l'Aire, affuent de droite du cours superieur de l'Aisne..., 1918. Creator: Signal Corps ASF.

''En Argonne; Sur les bords de l'Aire, affuent de ...

The War in China - The Port of Shanghai, 1857. Creator: Unknown.

The War in China - The Port of Shanghai, 1857. Cre...

''L'etat de siege a Salonique; Auto-canon en batterie pres de la Tour Blanche', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

''L'etat de siege a Salonique; Auto-canon en batte...

The Persian Expedition - H.E.I.C. "Semiramis", Bushire, Resident's House, Sandbag Batteries, 1857. Creator: Unknown.

The Persian Expedition - H.E.I.C. "Semiramis", Bus...

'L'expedition des Dardanelles; Les fortifications de la partie Nord-Orientale de la..., 1914 (1924). Creator: Unknown.

'L'expedition des Dardanelles; Les fortifications ...

The Grand Naval Review, at Spithead: Gun-Boats attacking Southsea Castle - sketched by E. Weedon, 18 Creator: Unknown.

The Grand Naval Review, at Spithead: Gun-Boats att...

The Emperor of the French and Count Orloff proceeding to the Grand Review, in the Champ de Mars, 185 Creator: Unknown.

The Emperor of the French and Count Orloff proceed...

Kinburn Fort, and the Spit of Otchakoff - the Expeditionary Fleet in the Ice, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

Kinburn Fort, and the Spit of Otchakoff - the Expe...

'Sur les champs de bataille Macedoniens de Gornitchevo et du Kaimaktchalan; Batterie de..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Sur les champs de bataille Macedoniens de Gornitc...

'Sur le front d'Orient; Sur le versant du Kaimaktchalan qu occupaient les Bulgares: emplacement d'un Creator: Vladimir Betzitch.

'Sur le front d'Orient; Sur le versant du Kaimaktc...

'Emplacement d'une batterie allemande de gros calibre enlevee par le 28e chasseurs..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Emplacement d'une batterie allemande de gros cali...

'Avec l'armee Serbe de la Tcherna; pieces francaises de 155 long en batterie appuyant..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Avec l'armee Serbe de la Tcherna; pieces francais...

'Sur le front Roumain; batterie d'artillerie roumaine dans un chemin de montagne', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Sur le front Roumain; batterie d'artillerie rouma...

The Peace Commemoration: the Fireworks, sketched from the Mall, in St. James's Park, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

The Peace Commemoration: the Fireworks, sketched f...

The Bombardment of Sveaborg - Officers on the Island of Tona Miola - sketched by J. W. Carmichael, 1 Creator: Unknown.

The Bombardment of Sveaborg - Officers on the Isla...

'Avion autrichien abattu; avion autrichien abattu en flammes par une batterie..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Avion autrichien abattu; avion autrichien abattu ...

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