
371 résultats pour : ownership

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The Burial of Sarah, 1602. Creator: Martin de Vos.

The Burial of Sarah, 1602. Creator: Martin de Vos.

The Burial of Sarah, 1602. Creator: Martin de Vos.

The Burial of Sarah, 1602. Creator: Martin de Vos.

R.MacAndrew, FRS, 1855-1859. Creator: Maull & Polyblank.

R.MacAndrew, FRS, 1855-1859. Creator: Maull & Poly...

Altarpiece of the Guild of the Minters, 1602. Creator: Martin de Vos.

Altarpiece of the Guild of the Minters, 1602. Crea...

The Spanish and French Capturing Lands in Galicia, c1380s; Chroniques (Book Three), about 1480-1483. Creator: Unknown.

The Spanish and French Capturing Lands in Galicia,...

Sarah before Pharaoh: Discussion of Abraham and Lot about the Division of the Land, about 1400-1410. Creator: Unknown.

Sarah before Pharaoh: Discussion of Abraham and Lo...

Initial Q: A Judge Pointing to Two Men with a Ram; Vidal Mayor, about 1290-1310. Creators: Unknown, Michael Lupi de Çandiu.

Initial Q: A Judge Pointing to Two Men with a Ram;...

The Temptation of Christ; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530. Creator: Simon Bening.

The Temptation of Christ; Prayer Book of Cardinal ...

Cameo with Hercules and Diomedes, 25 B.C. - A.D. 14. Creator: Unknown.

Cameo with Hercules and Diomedes, 25 B.C. - A.D. 1...

The Depths of the Sea, c1887, (1900). Creator: Unknown.

The Depths of the Sea, c1887, (1900). Creator: Unk...

Portrait of a lady, 1660-1679. Creator: Jacobus Levecq.

Portrait of a lady, 1660-1679. Creator: Jacobus Le...

Conceptual Artist, 1894. Creator: Akseli Gallen-Kallela.

Conceptual Artist, 1894. Creator: Akseli Gallen-Ka...

The Poacher Released, c1790. Creator: Charles Benazech.

The Poacher Released, c1790. Creator: Charles Bena...

Carl Laemmle, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

Carl Laemmle, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Ba...

Lord Northcliffe, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Lord Northcliffe, between c1910 and c1915. Creator...

S.H. Herron, "Rex", Jane Bradford, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

S.H. Herron, "Rex", Jane Bradford, between c1915 a...

A Car Towing a Small Aeroplane With Its Wings Folded Over Along the Road, 1924. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

A Car Towing a Small Aeroplane With Its Wings Fold...

Nathan Straus, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

Nathan Straus, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: B...

John I. Taylor, 1911 Red Sox owner, at League Meetings, Waldort Astoria Hotel, NYC (baseball), 1911. Creator: Bain News Service.

John I. Taylor, 1911 Red Sox owner, at League Meet...

V. Astor, Com. F.P. Forshew, Mrs. Astor, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

V. Astor, Com. F.P. Forshew, Mrs. Astor, between c...

Sgt. Gibson & Yankees, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service.

Sgt. Gibson & Yankees, 1917. Creator: Bain News Se...

Indigo Brand, Café Aux Pays Bas, Maastricht 1995. Creator: Brian Foskett.

Indigo Brand, Café Aux Pays Bas, Maastricht 1995. ...

Rob't Ward, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.

Rob't Ward, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.

F.P. Garvan, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

F.P. Garvan, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bai...

The Greyhound 'Mick the Miller' and his Trophies, 1930s. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

The Greyhound 'Mick the Miller' and his Trophies, ...

Harry Ackerland, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Harry Ackerland, between c1910 and c1915. Creator:...

Publisher Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe, Talking to Another Man by a Ruin, 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

Publisher Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcli...

W.F. Baker, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

W.F. Baker, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain...

The Bay of Samana, St. Domingo, lately purchased by the United States, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Bay of Samana, St. Domingo, lately purchased b...

Publisher Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe, Talking to Another Man by a Ruin, 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

Publisher Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcli...

Charles H. Ebbets Jr., member of Brooklyn NL Board of Directors (baseball), 1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Charles H. Ebbets Jr., member of Brooklyn NL Board...

William E. Robertson, President of Buffalo Federal League baseball team, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.

William E. Robertson, President of Buffalo Federal...

No title. (Peasant holding jar.), 1635-1668. Creator: Quirin Boel.

No title. (Peasant holding jar.), 1635-1668. Creat...

Former Police Chief Devery opening American League Park, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.

Former Police Chief Devery opening American League...

Père Fournaise, 1875. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

Père Fournaise, 1875. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Reno...

Harry Newton Hempstead, President of New York Giants (1912-1918) (baseball), 1913. Creator: Bain News Service.

Harry Newton Hempstead, President of New York Gian...

Chas. Hyde opens American B.B. season, 1911. Creator: Bain News Service.

Chas. Hyde opens American B.B. season, 1911. Creat...

A.P. Moore, who just married Lillian Russell, 1912. Creator: Bain News Service.

A.P. Moore, who just married Lillian Russell, 1912...

Former Police Chief Devery opening American League Park, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.

Former Police Chief Devery opening American League...

H.E. Huntington, 1911. Creator: Bain News Service.

H.E. Huntington, 1911. Creator: Bain News Service.

James McAleer, 1911. Creator: Bain News Service.

James McAleer, 1911. Creator: Bain News Service.

John I. Taylor holding hat, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.

John I. Taylor holding hat, 1914. Creator: Bain Ne...

Outlaw League executives: left to right, Marshall Henderson, co-owner Pittsburgh..., 1912. Creator: Bain News Service.

Outlaw League executives: left to right, Marshall ...

Slave Market, 1866. Creator: Jean-Leon Gerome.

Slave Market, 1866. Creator: Jean-Leon Gerome.

How the farmer lost his will and his land, 1918. Creator: Apsit, Alexander Petrowitsch (1880-1944).

How the farmer lost his will and his land, 1918. C...

Meeting of the Editorial Commission for the Liberation of the Peasants in the hall..., 1861. Creator: Timm, Wassili (George Wilhelm) (1820-1895).

Meeting of the Editorial Commission for the Libera...

The announcement of the manifesto on the abolition of serfdom in the Assumption..., 1861. Creator: Timm, Wassili (George Wilhelm) (1820-1895).

The announcement of the manifesto on the abolition...

Bucking Bronco Ned Coy, a famous Dakota cowboy, starts out for the cattle round-u..., 1888. Creator: John C. H. Grabill.

Bucking Bronco Ned Coy, a famous Dakota cowboy, st...

Gilyaks from Sakhalin Island, 1865-1871. Creator: VV Lanin.

Gilyaks from Sakhalin Island, 1865-1871. Creator: ...

Robert Rettig, (c1870s). Creator: Carl Frederick von Saltza.

Robert Rettig, (c1870s). Creator: Carl Frederick v...

At the ball, (c1900s) Creator: Knut Ekwall.

At the ball, (c1900s) Creator: Knut Ekwall.

Branding calves on roundup, 1888. Creator: John C. H. Grabill.

Branding calves on roundup, 1888. Creator: John C....

Gilaki around the Bay of De-Kastri, 1865-1871. Creator: VV Lanin.

Gilaki around the Bay of De-Kastri, 1865-1871. Cre...

Campsite Along the Pskem River. The Great Yenisei, 1897. Creator: Unknown.

Campsite Along the Pskem River. The Great Yenisei,...

Robert Rettig, (c1860s). Creator: Hildegard Norberg.

Robert Rettig, (c1860s). Creator: Hildegard Norber...

Landscape in Savoy, (c1800s). Creator: Louis Belanger.

Landscape in Savoy, (c1800s). Creator: Louis Belan...

Russian-American possessions, 1856. Creator: Unknown.

Russian-American possessions, 1856. Creator: Unkno...

In the Anchor-Forge at Söderfors. The Smiths Hard at Work. Creator: Per Hillestrom.

In the Anchor-Forge at Söderfors. The Smiths Hard ...

Jean De Geer, 1632 - 1696. Creator: Jan Mytens.

Jean De Geer, 1632 - 1696. Creator: Jan Mytens.

Jean de Geer (1632-1696), Foundry proprietor. Creator: Pierre Signac.

Jean de Geer (1632-1696), Foundry proprietor. Crea...

Jacob Gödecke (1757-1823), sugar mill owner in Södermalm in Stockholm, 1822. Creator: Anders Gustaf Andersson.

Jacob Gödecke (1757-1823), sugar mill owner in Söd...

The Pearl-necklace, c19th century. Creator: Charles Chaplin.

The Pearl-necklace, c19th century. Creator: Charle...

Christmas Reflections - drawn by Samuel Read, 1857. Creator: Mason Jackson.

Christmas Reflections - drawn by Samuel Read, 1857...

Nouveau propriètaire faisant connaissance avec le chien ..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.

Nouveau propriètaire faisant connaissance avec le ...

Epsom Races: The Winner, after the Race, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

Epsom Races: The Winner, after the Race, 1856. Cr...

Proprietor's home at Taninul, between 1880 and 1897. Creator: William H. Jackson.

Proprietor's home at Taninul, between 1880 and 189...

Bacarolle, 1834-1872. Creator: Fritz Thomsen.

Bacarolle, 1834-1872. Creator: Fritz Thomsen.

Hazen, Melvin C., Horse Show; His Horses, 1914.

Hazen, Melvin C., Horse Show; His Horses, 1914.

Hazen, Melvin C., Horse Show; His Horses, 1914.

Hazen, Melvin C., Horse Show; His Horses, 1914.

Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of The Navy, 1913-1921; Brun, Constantine, Ambassador from..., 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.

Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of The Navy, 1913-192...

Col. McKee, grandson passed for white, c1860-c1869. Creator: Francis S Keeler.

Col. McKee, grandson passed for white, c1860-c1869...

Selling a freedman to pay his fine, at Monticello, Florida, 1867. Creator: James Edward Taylor.

Selling a freedman to pay his fine, at Monticello,...

Portrait of Eddie Condon, Eddie Condon's, New York, N.Y., ca. June 1946. Creator: William Paul Gottlieb.

Portrait of Eddie Condon, Eddie Condon's, New York...

General James Wilkinson's letter to Henry Thompson..., 1817. Creator: Unknown.

General James Wilkinson's letter to Henry Thompson...

Petersburg, VA- We promise to pay W. Howlett...for slave..., 1865-01-02. Creator: Unknown.

Petersburg, VA- We promise to pay W. Howlett...for...

Colored people welcome to own their own homes and invest in desirable building..., 1918-1922. Creator: Unknown.

Colored people welcome to own their own homes and ...

Manumission certificate for Nathan Johnson from "State of Maryland, Baltimore City, Sct"., 1859. Creator: Unknown.

Manumission certificate for Nathan Johnson from "S...

Report of South Carolina State Auditor reviewing facts and making settlement of $2,000..., 1863. Creator: Unknown.

Report of South Carolina State Auditor reviewing f...

List of estate items, including slaves. Top reads 'And appraisement Bill of the estate..., 1838. Creator: Unknown.

List of estate items, including slaves. Top reads ...

List of estate items with slaves at bottom of second page. Top reads "Inventory of..., 1800-1865. Creator: Unknown.

List of estate items with slaves at bottom of seco...

Bill of sale for John, 16 yr old boy for $400, 1821. Creator: Unknown.

Bill of sale for John, 16 yr old boy for $400, 182...

List of slaves, animals, etc and values for each, 1807. Creator: Unknown.

List of slaves, animals, etc and values for each, ...

Request for compensation to be paid to Nathaniel Seely for his slave..., 1783. Creator: Unknown.

Request for compensation to be paid to Nathaniel S...

List of estate items with slaves at bottom of second page. Top reads "Inventory of..., 1800-1865. Creator: Unknown.

List of estate items with slaves at bottom of seco...

Bill of sale for mulatto man for $1000, 1800-1865.  Creator: Unknown.

Bill of sale for mulatto man for $1000, 1800-1865....

Certification of witnesses that Laurens was worth $2,000, 1863-04-06. Creator: Unknown.

Certification of witnesses that Laurens was worth ...

Part of a document listing slaves, animals, etc and values for each, 1807-01-29.  Creator: Unknown.

Part of a document listing slaves, animals, etc an...

One of the Evils of Slavery, 1940. Creator: Unknown.

One of the Evils of Slavery, 1940. Creator: Unknow...

A valuation on Laurens, a slave, by a witness who knew him, 1864-12-04. Creator: Unknown.

A valuation on Laurens, a slave, by a witness who ...

Note from Davidson of Water Valley, offering his slave blacksmith for hire, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

Note from Davidson of Water Valley, offering his s...

Portrait of Tony Pastor and William P. Gottlieb, Hotel Edison(?), New York, N.Y., 1946. Creator: Delia Potofsky Gottlieb.

Portrait of Tony Pastor and William P. Gottlieb, H...

Farley Vale Estate Inventory, 1817. Creator: Unknown.

Farley Vale Estate Inventory, 1817. Creator: Unkno...

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Daniel McWilliams, 1854-12-06. Creator: Unknown.

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Daniel...

Appraisal of Property, Appraisal of slaves from the estate of..., 1772-12-21. Creator: Unknown.

Appraisal of Property, Appraisal of slaves from th...

L. Warren Nelson authorizing his Attorney to receive any and all money from the State..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

L. Warren Nelson authorizing his Attorney to recei...

Owner's proof on claim for slave lost in public service, 1863-12-04. Creator: Unknown.

Owner's proof on claim for slave lost in public se...

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Daniel McWilliams, 1854-12-06. Creator: Unknown.

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Daniel...

Petition for compensation for slave pressed into military service, Civil War, 1863-12-04. Creator: Unknown.

Petition for compensation for slave pressed into m...

''"Old Friends" after W. Huggins', 1890. Creator: Unknown.

''"Old Friends" after W. Huggins', 1890. Creator: ...

Receipt for $2000 compensation obtained by Warren L. Nelson for slave Laurens, lost in military serv Creator: Unknown.

Receipt for $2000 compensation obtained by Warren ...

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