
751 résultats pour : paolo

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Self-Portrait, 1877. Creator: Francesco Paolo Michetti.

Self-Portrait, 1877. Creator: Francesco Paolo Mich...

The Painters Matthijs and Paul Bril in Rome, (c1575), 1862-1872. Creator: Nicaise de Keyser.

The Painters Matthijs and Paul Bril in Rome, (c157...

Initial A: Christ Appearing to David, about 1440. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

Initial A: Christ Appearing to David, about 1440. ...

King David kneeling in prayer, cutting from a gradual, about 1440.  Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

King David kneeling in prayer, cutting from a grad...

The Rest on the Flight into Egypt with Saint John the Baptist, about 1509. Creator: Fra Bartolomeo.

The Rest on the Flight into Egypt with Saint John ...

Piazzetta, Venice, about 1880-1890. Creator: Paolo Salviati.

Piazzetta, Venice, about 1880-1890. Creator: Paolo...

Moses and the Messengers from Canaan, 1621-1624. Creator: Giovanni Lanfranco.

Moses and the Messengers from Canaan, 1621-1624. C...

The Baptism of Christ, about 1580-1588. Creators: Paolo Veronese, Workshop of Veronese.

The Baptism of Christ, about 1580-1588. Creators: ...

Portrait of a Man, about 1576-1578. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Portrait of a Man, about 1576-1578. Creator: Paolo...

The Annunciation, about 1340-1345. Creator: Paolo Veneziano.

The Annunciation, about 1340-1345. Creator: Paolo ...

Madonna and Child, about 1470-1475. Creator: Workshop of Paolo Uccello.

Madonna and Child, about 1470-1475. Creator: Works...

Dialectics (Cobweb) , 1575-1578. Creator: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588).

Dialectics (Cobweb) , 1575-1578. Creator: Veronese...

Saint John the Baptist, c1340-1345. Creator: Veneziano, Paolo (ca 1330-ca 1360).

Saint John the Baptist, c1340-1345. Creator: Venez...

Sebastiano Venier giving thanks to the Redeemer after the Battle of Lepanto, 1582. Creator: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588).

Sebastiano Venier giving thanks to the Redeemer af...

Saint Paul, c1340-1345. Creator: Veneziano, Paolo (ca 1330-ca 1360).

Saint Paul, c1340-1345. Creator: Veneziano, Paolo ...

Saint Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan, c1340-1345. Creator: Veneziano, Paolo (ca 1330-ca 1360).

Saint Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan, c1340-1345. Cr...

Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Creator: Vetri, Paolo (1855-1937).

Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. ...

Saint Augustine, c1340-1345. Creator: Veneziano, Paolo (ca 1330-ca 1360).

Saint Augustine, c1340-1345. Creator: Veneziano, P...

Paolo and Francesca, 1851-52. Creator: Alexander Munro.

Paolo and Francesca, 1851-52. Creator: Alexander M...

Neptune and Mars With The Lion of St Mark, c1800-1850. Creators: David Cox the Elder, Paolo Veronese.

Neptune and Mars With The Lion of St Mark, c1800-1...

Juno Receives the Head of Argus, Mid of 17th cen.. Creator: Cervetto; Giovanni Paolo (1630-1657).

Juno Receives the Head of Argus, Mid of 17th cen.....

Still life with Bishop Insignia and silver, First Half of 17th cen.. Creator: Barbieri; Paolo Antonio (1603-1649).

Still life with Bishop Insignia and silver, First ...

Still life with bottle, fruit, vegetables and three mirrors, First Half of 17th cen.. Creator: Barbieri; Paolo Antonio (1603-1649).

Still life with bottle, fruit, vegetables and thre...

A Boy and a Page, c1570. Creator: Veronese; Paolo (1528-1588).

A Boy and a Page, c1570. Creator: Veronese; Paolo ...

Portrait of the sculptor Paolo Troubetzkoy (1866-1938), 1909. Creator: Zorn; Anders Leonard (1860-1920).

Portrait of the sculptor Paolo Troubetzkoy (1866-1...

Alfieri, Morane, Dall'Olio, between c1915 and 1918. Creator: Bain News Service.

Alfieri, Morane, Dall'Olio, between c1915 and 1918...

Portrait of Paolo Gregorio Raggi, Governor of Corsica, c1640. Creator: Strozzi; Bernardo (1581-1644).

Portrait of Paolo Gregorio Raggi, Governor of Cors...

Roosevelt leaving Institute of Butantan, Sao Paolo, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Roosevelt leaving Institute of Butantan, Sao Paolo...

Roosevelt watching snake fight, Sao Paolo, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Roosevelt watching snake fight, Sao Paolo, between...

River landscape with a shepherd on a hill to the right. From: Views of the coast of Campania, 1590. Creator: Paul Brill.

River landscape with a shepherd on a hill to the r...

The Temple of Diana, c.1740. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

The Temple of Diana, c.1740. Creator: Giovanni Pao...

The Annunciation, 1580. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

The Annunciation, 1580. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Portrait of a Woman with a Dog, 1560. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Portrait of a Woman with a Dog, 1560. Creator: Pao...

The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1506. Creator: Fra Bartolomeo.

The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Bap...

The Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist and Saint...1460. Creator: Paolo Uccello.

The Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John the Ba...

St. Catherine before the Pope at Avignon, 1460. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

St. Catherine before the Pope at Avignon, 1460. Cr...

The Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple, 1724. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

The Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Templ...

The Virgin of Humility, 1440. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

The Virgin of Humility, 1440. Creator: Giovanni di...

The pool at Bethesda, 1724. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

The pool at Bethesda, 1724. Creator: Giovanni Paol...

Portrait of a Young Man , c. 1440. Creator: Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475).

Portrait of a Young Man , c. 1440. Creator: Uccell...

Portrait of Pope Clement XII. and Cardinal Neri Maria Corsini. Creator: Cristofari, Pietro Paolo (1685-1743).

Portrait of Pope Clement XII. and Cardinal Neri Ma...

Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua, 1528. Creator: Agabiti, Pietro Paolo (ca1470-ca1540).

Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and...

La veste nuova (Das neue Kleid), 1873. Creator: Bedini, Paolo Giovanni (1844-1924).

La veste nuova (Das neue Kleid), 1873. Creator: Be...

Portrait of Sven Lagerberg (1822-1905) in profile in ceremonial uniform. (c1850s).  Creator: Fritz von Dardel.

Portrait of Sven Lagerberg (1822-1905) in profile ...

Business card portrait - John B. How and Claes Lagergren, 1889. Creator: Paolo Lombardi.

Business card portrait - John B. How and Claes Lag...

Vniversale descrittione di tvtta la terra conoscivta fin qvi, 1565. Creators: Paolo Forlani, Ferrando Bertelli.

Vniversale descrittione di tvtta la terra conosciv...

Virgin and Child with Saints, c1475-1480. Creator: Workshop of Giovanni di Paolo.

Virgin and Child with Saints, c1475-1480. Creator:...

Peasants near Roman Ruins, c1760. Creator: Paolo Monaldi.

Peasants near Roman Ruins, c1760. Creator: Paolo M...

View of the Roman Forum, 1747. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

View of the Roman Forum, 1747. Creator: Giovanni P...

View of the Colosseum, 1747. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

View of the Colosseum, 1747. Creator: Giovanni Pao...

Alexander the Great Cutting the Gordian Knot, c1718-1719. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

Alexander the Great Cutting the Gordian Knot, c171...

St. John the Baptist (fragment), c1350. Creator: Paolo Veneziano.

St. John the Baptist (fragment), c1350. Creator: P...

Alexander the Great at the Tomb of Achilles, c1718-1719. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

Alexander the Great at the Tomb of Achilles, c1718...

Allegory of Navigation with an Astrolabe: Ptolemy, 1557. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Allegory of Navigation with an Astrolabe: Ptolemy,...

Allegory of Navigation with a Cross-Staff: Averroës, 1557. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Allegory of Navigation with a Cross-Staff: Averroë...

Serpents, Fly Agarics and Thistles, mid-17th century. Creator: Paolo Porpora.

Serpents, Fly Agarics and Thistles, mid-17th centu...

Four Panels with the Passion of Christ from a Predella, 1426. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

Four Panels with the Passion of Christ from a Pred...

Roman Ruins, early-mid 18th century. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.

Roman Ruins, early-mid 18th century. Creator: Giov...

Dancing Faun, 1781. Creator: Paolo Spinazzi.

Dancing Faun, 1781. Creator: Paolo Spinazzi.

Portrait of Marchese Bartholomeo Ruspoli, between c.1670 and c.1680. Creator: Pietro Paolo Naldini.

Portrait of Marchese Bartholomeo Ruspoli, between ...

Venus Mourning Adonis, mid-late 16th century. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Venus Mourning Adonis, mid-late 16th century. Crea...

The Virgin and Child with Saints and the Annunciation (image 11 of 14), between c.1427 and c.1430. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

The Virgin and Child with Saints and the Annunciat...

St. Francis, c1600. Creator: Paolo Piazza.

St. Francis, c1600. Creator: Paolo Piazza.

The Virgin and Child with Saints and the Annunciation (image 1 of 14), between c.1427 and c.1430. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

The Virgin and Child with Saints and the Annunciat...

The Virgin and Child with Saints and the Annunciation (image 1 of 14), between c1427 and c1430. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

The Virgin and Child with Saints and the Annunciat...

The Choice between Virtue and Passion, 1590-1680. Creator: Unknown.

The Choice between Virtue and Passion, 1590-1680. ...

Still Life with Fruit. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Spadino.

Still Life with Fruit. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Spa...

Landscape with Duck-hunters. Creator: After Paul Bril.

Landscape with Duck-hunters. Creator: After Paul B...

Still Life with an Iris and Plums. Creator: Attributed to Pietro Paolo Bonzi  (1576-1636).

Still Life with an Iris and Plums. Creator: Attrib...

Rinaldo and Armida, c16th century. Creator: Anon.

Rinaldo and Armida, c16th century. Creator: Anon.

Francesca di Rimini and Paolo di polenta with child on a balcony, 1829-1888. Creator: Edouard Jean Conrad Hamman.

Francesca di Rimini and Paolo di polenta with chil...

Fruit Piece with a Landscape Background. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Spadino.

Fruit Piece with a Landscape Background. Creator: ...

View of the ruins of the temple of Jupiter Stator, the amphitheater of Statilius Taurus..., 1753. Creator: John Miller.

View of the ruins of the temple of Jupiter Stator,...

Frogs, Wild Roses, Shells and Butterflies, mid-late 17th century. Creator: Paolo Porpora.

Frogs, Wild Roses, Shells and Butterflies, mid-lat...

Venus and Cupid, 1575-1590. Creator: Unknown.

Venus and Cupid, 1575-1590. Creator: Unknown.

View of the church Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.

View of the church Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venic...

View of the church of St. John and Paul of Venice, 1700-1799. Creator: Unknown.

View of the church of St. John and Paul of Venice,...

The Aqua Claudia in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip.

The Aqua Claudia in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: ...

S. Giovanni E Paolo, The Villa Mattei and the Imperial Palaces, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip.

S. Giovanni E Paolo, The Villa Mattei and the Impe...

The Porta San Paolo and the Pyramid of Cestius in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip.

The Porta San Paolo and the Pyramid of Cestius in ...

Still Life with Fruit. Creator: Pietro Paolo Bonzi.

Still Life with Fruit. Creator: Pietro Paolo Bonzi...

Virgin and Child, ca 1430. Creator: Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475).

Virgin and Child, ca 1430. Creator: Uccello, Paolo...

The Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Rome, with Two Studies of Plants, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip.

The Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Rome, wi...

Sculpture. Creator: Unknown.

Sculpture. Creator: Unknown.

Still Life with Fruit and Vine, 1620s. Creator: Pietro Paolo Bonzi.

Still Life with Fruit and Vine, 1620s. Creator: Pi...

The Rape of Europa. Creator: Unknown.

The Rape of Europa. Creator: Unknown.

Still Life with Fruit. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Spadino.

Still Life with Fruit. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Spa...

Basilica and Monastery of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome, c.1809-c.1812. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip.

Basilica and Monastery of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in ...

The Rape of Europa. Creator: Unknown.

The Rape of Europa. Creator: Unknown.

Venice: S. Giovanni & Paolo, 1824-1888. Creator: Karoly Lajos Libay.

Venice: S. Giovanni & Paolo, 1824-1888. Creator: K...

View of the ruins of a colonnade in Rome, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.

View of the ruins of a colonnade in Rome, 1745-177...

Holy Family with Young Saint John, 1550-1575. Creator: Paolo Veronese.

Holy Family with Young Saint John, 1550-1575. Crea...

The Crucifixion, Second half of the16th century. Creator: Veronese, Paolo, (School)  .

The Crucifixion, Second half of the16th century. C...

River view wit Large Rock, 1601. Creator: Unknown.

River view wit Large Rock, 1601. Creator: Unknown.

The Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist, c.1505-c.1515. Creator: Bartolommeo (Fra) (circle of).

The Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist, ...

Susannah and the Elders, Last quarter of 16th century. Creator: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588).

Susannah and the Elders, Last quarter of 16th cent...

Winter Landscape, 1615-1650. Creator: Unknown.

Winter Landscape, 1615-1650. Creator: Unknown.

The Consecration of Giuseppe Pozzobonelli as Archbishop in San Carlo al Corso, 1744. Creator: Pannini (Panini), Giovanni Paolo (1691-1765).

The Consecration of Giuseppe Pozzobonelli as Archb...

King Charles III Visiting Pope Benedict XIV at the Coffee House of the Palazzo del Quirinale, 1746. Creator: Pannini (Panini), Giovanni Paolo (1691-1765).

King Charles III Visiting Pope Benedict XIV at the...

The Crucifixion, c.1447. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.

The Crucifixion, c.1447. Creator: Giovanni di Paol...

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