
206 résultats pour : clergy

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Saint Anterus

Saint Anterus

Clement IV (born around 1200 in Saint-Gilles

Clement IV (born around 1200 in Saint-Gilles

Celestine V.

Celestine V.

Innocent IV

Innocent IV

Nicholas IV (born 30 September 1227 in Lisciano

Nicholas IV (born 30 September 1227 in Lisciano

Adeodatus I.

Adeodatus I.

Celestine II.

Celestine II.

Clement XIV

Clement XIV

Gregory XVI (born 18 September 1765 in Belluno

Gregory XVI (born 18 September 1765 in Belluno

Celestine IV.

Celestine IV.

Hadrian V (born around 1205

Hadrian V (born around 1205

Donus or Domnus (born April 11, 678)

Donus or Domnus (born April 11, 678)

John XXI

John XXI

Hadrian VI

Hadrian VI

Pius VIII (born 20 November 1761 in Cingoli near Ancona

Pius VIII (born 20 November 1761 in Cingoli near A...

Sergius I (born in Palermo

Sergius I (born in Palermo

Pius IV (born 31 March 1499 in Milan

Pius IV (born 31 March 1499 in Milan

Pius VI.

Pius VI.

Friedrich Dittes.

Friedrich Dittes.

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, from left to right: Three

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, by row, from left to right,

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumesof two Ministrants or altar boys in the

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

Shown in this image are a variety of Christian mitres. They are, from left to right, top to bottom:

Shown in this image are a variety of Christian mit...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

Shown in this image are a variety of ecclesiastical costumes related to the Christian Church. They

Shown in this image are a variety of ecclesiastica...

Shown in this image are a variety of ecclesiastical costumes related to the Christian Church. They

Shown in this image are a variety of ecclesiastica...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

The figures pictured here date to around 1500 A.D. They are from left to right: an Italian man of

The figures pictured here date to around 1500 A.D....

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, by row, from left to right,

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The figures in this image represent two English men from the period A.D. 1550 to 1600. They are,

The figures in this image represent two English me...

The figures in this image are Italians from the A.D. 1300s. They represent, from left to right:

The figures in this image are Italians from the A....

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

The figures pictured here represent Italians around 1500 A.D. They are from left to right:

The figures pictured here represent Italians aroun...

The costumes depicted here represent the garb worn around A.D. 900 by a deacon (left) and a bishop

The costumes depicted here represent the garb worn...

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiastical costume of a bishop in ordinary vestments.

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiast...

The figures pictured in this illustration show two Mexican priests around A.D. 1500. From left to

The figures pictured in this illustration show two...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, from left to right: a bishop

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiastical costume of an abbe in the time of Louis XVI.

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiast...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

The figure pictured here represents Pope Alexander VI in 1500 A.D. He is dressed in the vestments

The figure pictured here represents Pope Alexander...

Shown in this image are a variety of croziers related to the Christian Church. They are, from left

Shown in this image are a variety of croziers rela...

The figure in this image is an Italian man of rank from the A.D. 1300s. The illustration dates to

The figure in this image is an Italian man of rank...

The figures in this image are Italians from the A.D. 1300s. They represent, from left to right: a

The figures in this image are Italians from the A....

The figures pictured here represent a Roman Catholic Cardinal legate and a Roman Catholic bishop in

The figures pictured here represent a Roman Cathol...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, by row, from left to right,

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The figures depicted here show two French bishops in the year A.D. 1000. The illustration dates to

The figures depicted here show two French bishops ...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume. They are from left to right:the Pluvial or

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

The Italian figures represented date to A.D. 1400. They are, from left to right: Pope Boniface IX,

The Italian figures represented date to A.D. 1400....

The illustrations shown here depict the ecclesiastical costumes of a Canon wearing a cope and amess

The illustrations shown here depict the ecclesiast...

The figure represented here is a German clergyman in the 1600s. The illustration dates to 1882.

The figure represented here is a German clergyman ...

Cotton Mather (1663-1728) was a cergyman and writer, who assisted his father, British Puritan

Cotton Mather (1663-1728) was a cergyman and write...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

Georges Darboy (1813-1871). Catholic priest, bishop of Nancy, archbishop of Paris and

Georges Darboy (1813-1871). Catholic priest, bisho...

The costumes depicted here represent the garb worn around A.D. 900 by upper classes in France. From

The costumes depicted here represent the garb worn...

The figure pictured in this illustration shows a Mexican high priest around A.D. 1500. The

The figure pictured in this illustration shows a M...

History of France, 1000. From left to right, 1-2: bishops, 3-4: warriors, 5-6-7: ordinary people,

History of France, 1000. From left to right, 1-2: ...

The costume depicted here represents the garb worn around A.D. 900 by a French bishop. The

The costume depicted here represents the garb worn...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, from left to right: a bishop

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

History of Italy. 1300. From left to right, 1: Pope, 2: cardinal, 3: archbishop, 4: citizen,

History of Italy. 1300. From left to right, 1: Pop...

Georges Darboy (1813-1871). Catholic priest, bishop of Nancy, archbishop of Paris and

Georges Darboy (1813-1871). Catholic priest, bisho...

History of Italy. 1500. From left to right, 1: Venetian knight, 2: Pontifical vestment, 3:

History of Italy. 1500. From left to right, 1: Ven...

The figures represented here are Byzantines between a.D, 300 and 700. They are, from left to right:

The figures represented here are Byzantines betwee...

The figures pictured here represent Italians around 1500 A.D. They are from left to right: man of

The figures pictured here represent Italians aroun...

The figures in the illustration represent two French clergy members around A.D. 1200. They are,

The figures in the illustration represent two Fren...

Louis XIV, known as ""the Sun King"" (1638-1715). King of France (1643-1715). Cabinet of Louis XIV

Louis XIV, known as ""the Sun King"" (1638-1715). ...

Dues on wines, privilege granted to the Chapter of Tournai by King Chilperic. Two clergymen, one

Dues on wines, privilege granted to the Chapter of...

The figure represented here is a pope, leader of the Catholic Church with his base in the Vatican

The figure represented here is a pope, leader of t...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, from left to right: three

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiastical cap worn by bishops and cardinals for

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiast...

History of Italy. 1400. From left to right, 1: Pope Boniface IX, 3-4: cardinals, 5: canon, 6:

History of Italy. 1400. From left to right, 1: Pop...

Shown in this image is a Christian bishop in full pontificals. The illustration dates to 1882. .

Shown in this image is a Christian bishop in full ...

The Italian figures represented date to A.D. 1400. They are, from left to right: Pope Boniface IX,

The Italian figures represented date to A.D. 1400....

The illustrations shown here depict the ecclesiastical costumes of a Canon wearing a cope and amess

The illustrations shown here depict the ecclesiast...

The figures represented here are all Germans in the 1600s. From left to right, they are: four man

The figures represented here are all Germans in th...

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical costumes. They are, by row, from left to right,

The illustrations shown here depict ecclesiastical...

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume, from the 11th century through the 19th century.

The images here all feature ecclesiastical Costume...

The image here features Ecclesiastical Costume. It shows a Cardinal's hat at the end of the 16th

The image here features Ecclesiastical Costume. It...

Shown in this image are a variety of ecclesiastical costumes related to the Christian Church. They

Shown in this image are a variety of ecclesiastica...

The figures in this image are Italians from the A.D. 1300s. They represent, from left to right: a

The figures in this image are Italians from the A....

The figures pictured here represent Italians around A.D. 1200. They are, from left to right: a

The figures pictured here represent Italians aroun...

The figures in this image represent English men and a woman from the period A.D. 1550 to 1600. They

The figures in this image represent English men an...

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiastical costume of a bishop in house costume. The

The illustration shown here depicts the ecclesiast...

The figures pictured in this illustration show Mexican dress around A.D. 1500, from left to right,

The figures pictured in this illustration show Mex...

The figures pictured here represent Italians around 1500 A.D. They are from left to right: Pope

The figures pictured here represent Italians aroun...

The Figures represented here is the French Cardinal Mazarin, who lived in the 17th century. The

The Figures represented here is the French Cardina...

The figures pictured here represent Italians around 1500 A.D. They are from left to right: man of

The figures pictured here represent Italians aroun...

This banner, which dates to the 16th century, is a commemorative banner, honoring the deliverance

This banner, which dates to the 16th century, is a...

This illuminated illustration from a book dated 1450 that is housed in the library of the Arsenal

This illuminated illustration from a book dated 14...

The Tree of Battles

The Tree of Battles

Dispute between two knights about the Immaculate Conception, in a tournament ordered by the Emperor

Dispute between two knights about the Immaculate C...

As the clerics were not allowed to fight, Raimbaut de Moreuil defended the cause of the Abbot of Saint-Denis in single combat with Guyon de Losenne

As the clerics were not allowed to fight, Raimbaut...

The clergy solemnly come with the cross and holy images before a lord at the door of a church or monastery

The clergy solemnly come with the cross and holy i...

Pope Urban II

Pope Urban II

Anne of Brittany

Anne of Brittany

Council of Vienne

Council of Vienne

Assembly of prelates and doctors of the church held in Anagni

Assembly of prelates and doctors of the church hel...

The Preacher is visited by Death

The Preacher is visited by Death

Chapter of the Order of the Golden Fleece held by Charles the Bold (1433-1477)

Chapter of the Order of the Golden Fleece held by ...

Saxon Wars (772-804)

Saxon Wars (772-804)

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