
830 résultats pour : festival of britain

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Festival of German Gymnastic Societies at Bonn, on the Rhine, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

Festival of German Gymnastic Societies at Bonn, on...

Musical Festival at Boston: band of the Grenadier Guards playing "The Star-Spangled Banner", 1872. Creator: Unknown.

Musical Festival at Boston: band of the Grenadier ...

The World's Peace Jubilee and International Musical Festival at Boston, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

The World's Peace Jubilee and International Musica...

Chatham Marina, Chatham, Medway, 1985. Creator: Dorothy Chapman.

Chatham Marina, Chatham, Medway, 1985. Creator: Do...

Sir Julius Benedict, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Sir Julius Benedict, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Sir George Elvey, Doctor of Music, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Sir George Elvey, Doctor of Music, 1871. Creator: ...

Spring, 1894. Creator: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema.

Spring, 1894. Creator: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema.

The Scott Centenary: fete at Newark Castle, Selkirk, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Scott Centenary: fete at Newark Castle, Selkir...

Festival of the Presepe, in the Ara Coeli Church, at the Capitol, Rome, 1871. Creator: Joseph Swain.

Festival of the Presepe, in the Ara Coeli Church, ...

The Scott Centenary Banquet in the Corn Exchange, Grassmarket, Edinburgh, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Scott Centenary Banquet in the Corn Exchange, ...

The Ancestral Portrait, drawn by E. N. Downard, 1871. Creator: F Wentworth.

The Ancestral Portrait, drawn by E. N. Downard, 18...

Duff House, near Banff, the seat of the Earl of Fife, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Duff House, near Banff, the seat of the Earl of Fi...

Harvest Trophy at the Crystal Palace, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Harvest Trophy at the Crystal Palace, 1871. Creato...

The Scott Centenary Festival: places associated with Scott's Life and Works, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Scott Centenary Festival: places associated wi...

The Earl of Dalkeith, President of the Scott Centenary Festival, Edinburgh, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Earl of Dalkeith, President of the Scott Cente...

Breton Women at a Pardon, by F. J. Skill, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Breton Women at a Pardon, by F. J. Skill, 1871. Cr...

The "Fete de la Vierge", by Laurence Duncan, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The "Fete de la Vierge", by Laurence Duncan, 1871....

George Melly, Soho Jazz Festival, London, 1993. Creator: Brian Foskett.

George Melly, Soho Jazz Festival, London, 1993. Cr...

Candlemas at St. Peter's, Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

Candlemas at St. Peter's, Rome, 1870. Creator: Unk...

Pat Halcox, Bud Freeman, Daily Mail International Jazz Festival, Manchester, 1963. Creator: Brian Foskett.

Pat Halcox, Bud Freeman, Daily Mail International ...

Scott Hamilton, Kathy Stobart, Tony Coe, Brecon Jazz Festival, 1996. Creator: Brian Foskett.

Scott Hamilton, Kathy Stobart, Tony Coe, Brecon Ja...

Festival at the East London Hospital for Children on New Year's Eve, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

Festival at the East London Hospital for Children ...

George Melly, Soho Jazz Festival, London, 1993. Creator: Brian Foskett.

George Melly, Soho Jazz Festival, London, 1993. Cr...

Blessing the Paschal Lambs in the church of St. Agnes, Rome, 1870. Creator: W. H..

Blessing the Paschal Lambs in the church of St. Ag...

Shrove Tuesday procession of the Fat Ox at the Tuileries, Paris, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

Shrove Tuesday procession of the Fat Ox at the Tui...

The Bambino of the Ara Coeli, at Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

The Bambino of the Ara Coeli, at Rome, 1870. Creat...

The Fourth of June at Eton: the boats leaving the Brocas for Surley Hall, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

The Fourth of June at Eton: the boats leaving the ...

Dan Barrett, Randy Sandke, Tommy Newsom, Ken Peplowski, The March of Jazz, Clearwater..., 2000. Creator: Brian Foskett.

Dan Barrett, Randy Sandke, Tommy Newsom, Ken Peplo...

Kenny Davern, Brian Peerless, Warren Vache, Ralph Sutton, Brecon, 1994. Creator: Brian Foskett.

Kenny Davern, Brian Peerless, Warren Vache, Ralph ...

Native performance, called "Hobson Jobson," on the festival of the Cingalese New Year, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

Native performance, called "Hobson Jobson," on the...

J.J.Johnson and Ralph Moore, North Sea Jazz Festival, Netherlands,1993. Creator: Brian Foskett.

J.J.Johnson and Ralph Moore, North Sea Jazz Festiv...

The Abyssinian Church Festival of Palm Sunday, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Abyssinian Church Festival of Palm Sunday, 186...

Civilians on the Margin of a River Throwing Flowers to  Civilians on a Boat Heavily Decorated...1920 Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

Civilians on the Margin of a River Throwing Flower...

Scene at the Mohammedan festival of the Bairam, at Alexandria, 1869. Creator: Unknown.

Scene at the Mohammedan festival of the Bairam, at...

Whitsuntide festival of workpeople at Norwich, 1869. Creator: Unknown.

Whitsuntide festival of workpeople at Norwich, 186...

The Prince and Princess of Wales in Egypt: procession of the Holy Carpet at Cairo, 1869. Creator: Unknown.

The Prince and Princess of Wales in Egypt: process...

The Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace: the Royal Box, 1868. Creator: C. R..

The Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace: the Roy...

The Prince of Wales at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Prince of Wales at St. Bartholomew's Hospital,...

Statue of Prince Eugène at Vienna, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Statue of Prince Eugène at Vienna, 1865. Creator: ...

Portraits of Shakspeare, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Portraits of Shakspeare, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: visit to Charlecote, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon:...

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: officers returning from the banquet..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: off...

The Shakspeare Commemoration in London: planting an oak on Primrose Hill, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration in London: planting a...

The last sheet of Shakspeare's will, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The last sheet of Shakspeare's will, 1864. Creator...

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: scene from "The Comedy of Errors"...1864.  Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon:...

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: the British Admiral's flagship..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: the...

Cast of Shakspeare's face, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Cast of Shakspeare's face, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Box made of the wood of Shakspeare’s mulberry-tree, presented to [David] Garrick..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Box made of the wood of Shakspeare’s mulberry-tree...

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: illumination of the French ironclad Magenta, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: ill...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: the Reine Hortense leaving Portsmouth Harbour, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: th...

The Shakspeare Commemoration: banquet in the pavilion, Stratford-on-Avon...Earl of Carlisle..., 1864 Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration: banquet in the pavil...

Henley-Street, Stratford-On-Avon, with Shakspeare's House, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Henley-Street, Stratford-On-Avon, with Shakspeare'...

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: scene from "Romeo And Juliet"..., 1864.  Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon:...

Laying the foundation-stone of an English church, Philippolis, Orange Free State, South Africa, 1864 Creator: Unknown.

Laying the foundation-stone of an English church, ...

The Seal of the National Shakspeare Committee, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Seal of the National Shakspeare Committee, 186...

Ball on board H.M.S. Victory, At Portsmouth, at the Centenary Festival of the ship, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Ball on board H.M.S. Victory, At Portsmouth, at th...

The Shakspeare Commemoration in London: monument of Shakspeare at the Crystal Palace, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration in London: monument o...

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: Mr. E. F. Flower, the Mayor of Stratford, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon:...

The Shakspeare Commemoration in London: unveiling a bust of Shakspeare..., Agricultural Hall, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration in London: unveiling ...

The Shakspeare Commemoration: scene from..."King Henry IV.", Part I, played at Drury Lane..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration: scene from..."King H...

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: exhibition...in the Townhall, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon:...

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: the ball at the Hotel de Ville, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: the...

Christmas Time, by Miss E. Osborne, in the exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1865. Creator: W Thomas.

Christmas Time, by Miss E. Osborne, in the exhibit...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:...banquet to the officers of the French fleet, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:......

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: reception of the French Minister of Marine..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: re...

The Gloucester Music Festival: the nave of the Cathedral looking west, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The Gloucester Music Festival: the nave of the Cat...

King Geo., Queen Mary, Earl Plymouth, Prince of Wales at opening "Festival of Empire", 1912. Creator: Bain News Service.

King Geo., Queen Mary, Earl Plymouth, Prince of Wa...

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: performance of ..."The Messiah"...1864.  Creator: J. J..

The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon:...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:… the illuminated fountain at the ball..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:… t...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: flight of rockets and illumination..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: fl...

The Gloucester Music Festival: the Clerestory, Gloucester Cathedral, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The Gloucester Music Festival: the Clerestory, Glo...

Shakspeare salver and jug, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Shakspeare salver and jug, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:...the Solferino saluting the English flag, 1865. Creator: Smyth.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:......

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: meeting of the Reine Hortense and the Osborne, 1865. Creator: Smyth.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: me...

Preparations For The Festivities (The Floral Wreath), 1866. Creator: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema.

Preparations For The Festivities (The Floral Wreat...

Mrs. Howard Paul’s Beehive, at the Royal Dramatic College Festival, in the Crystal Palace, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Mrs. Howard Paul’s Beehive, at the Royal Dramatic ...

The Gloucester Music Festival: South Porch, Gloucester Cathedral, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The Gloucester Music Festival: South Porch, Glouce...

Messrs. Hunt and Roskell’s Shakspeare medal, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Messrs. Hunt and Roskell’s Shakspeare medal, 1864....

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: the British Admiral’s flagship...salute..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: th...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:...ball [for] the officers of the French fleet, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:......

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: the French Minister receiving Admiral Seymour, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: th...

Floral, Musical, and Athletic Festival at Springfield Park, Lancaster, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Floral, Musical, and Athletic Festival at Springfi...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: ball at the Naval College, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: ba...

A Sketch at the Handel Festival in the Crystal Palace, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

A Sketch at the Handel Festival in the Crystal Pal...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: the French fleet leaving Spithead, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: th...

Harvest-Home at Bywell, Northumberland, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Harvest-Home at Bywell, Northumberland, 1865. Crea...

Foot-Races at the annual festival of the Asylum for Idiots, Earlswood, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Foot-Races at the annual festival of the Asylum fo...

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: Review on Southsea Common, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: Re...

Grand Festival of the Municipality and Royal Academy of Antwerp: restoration of the Old Bourse, 1864 Creator: Unknown.

Grand Festival of the Municipality and Royal Acade...

The Social Science Congress at New York: Lord Brougham...delivering his address…, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.

The Social Science Congress at New York: Lord Brou...

Bicentenary Festival of the Royal Academy of Antwerp: procession to the Cathedral..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Bicentenary Festival of the Royal Academy of Antwe...

Festival at Hartford Mill, Oldham, given by Mr. Platt to 8000 of his workpeople, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Festival at Hartford Mill, Oldham, given by Mr. Pl...

Grand Festival of the Municipality and Royal Academy of Antwerp…Antwerp Crowning Teniers, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Grand Festival of the Municipality and Royal Acade...

Festival of Ragged-School Teachers at Nutfield Priory,…near Reigate, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Festival of Ragged-School Teachers at Nutfield Pri...

The Dramatic College Fete at the Crystal Palace, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Dramatic College Fete at the Crystal Palace, 1...

A light load from the last-reaped field, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

A light load from the last-reaped field, 1864. Cre...

A night scene on the Nile near the mouth of the Cairo canal, during the festival of Gebr..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

A night scene on the Nile near the mouth of the Ca...

The International Exhibition: bookcase by Hindley and Son, 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: bookcase by Hindley ...

The Preston Guild Festival: meeting of the Royal North Lancashire Agricultural Society..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The Preston Guild Festival: meeting of the Royal N...

The Choral Festival in Peterborough Cathedral, 1862. Creator: Mason Jackson.

The Choral Festival in Peterborough Cathedral, 186...

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