
251 résultats pour : livre

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Christine de Pisan

Christine de Pisan

Settlement of accounts by the Brotherhood of ""Charite-Dieu and Notre-Dame of the Recovery of

Settlement of accounts by the Brotherhood of ""Cha...

Shops in a street: barber, furrier and tailor. Engraving from a miniature of the ""Livre du regime

Shops in a street: barber, furrier and tailor. Eng...



Garçon posant devant le Christ's Hospital, Londres

Garçon posant devant le Christ's Hospital, Londres

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cookbook le livre de cuisine by the chef jules gouffe, 1867

Illustration painted by marcel ronjat for the cook...

la restauration des livres après l'inondation du 4 novembre 1966, florence, toscane, italie, 1967

la restauration des livres après l'inondation du 4...

la restauration des livres après l'inondation du 4 novembre 1966, florence, toscane, italie, 1967

la restauration des livres après l'inondation du 4...

livres après l'inondation du 4 novembre 1966, florence, toscane, italie, 1967

livres après l'inondation du 4 novembre 1966, flor...

la restauration des livres après l'inondation du 4 novembre 1966, florence, toscane, italie, 1967

la restauration des livres après l'inondation du 4...

planche "les femmes guerrières du monomotapa" du livre sur l'afrique de 1766

planche "les femmes guerrières du monomotapa" du l...

Settlement of Accounts

Settlement of Accounts

Le Livre de Chasse by Gaston Phobus

Le Livre de Chasse by Gaston Phobus

Noble writing a manuscript. Miniature. 'Livre des Cent Ballades'.

Noble writing a manuscript. Miniature. 'Livre des ...

Craps players. Miniature "Livre de Bonnes Meurs".

Craps players. Miniature "Livre de Bonnes Meurs".

Moneylender. Miniature "Livre de Bonnes Meurs".

Moneylender. Miniature "Livre de Bonnes Meurs".

Abbey Wine Thief

Abbey Wine Thief

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

Page from the Codex Fejervary Mayer, a ritual codex used as a birth chart

Page from the Codex Fejervary Mayer, a ritual code...

Detail from a panel of the Codex Laud, a divinatory almanac, part of which depicts the four stages of a womans life as shown by the witch goddess

Detail from a panel of the Codex Laud, a divinator...

William Knibb. Signed portrait of William Knibb (1803-1845), an English Christian missionary who

William Knibb. Signed portrait of William Knibb (1...

Essay on the Impolicy'. Title page of 'An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade, In Two

Essay on the Impolicy'. Title page of 'An Essay on...

Translating the bible into Chinese. An engraving published circa 1853, depicts Reverend Robert

Translating the bible into Chinese. An engraving p...

Portrait of an elderly Arab man. Portrait of an elderly Arab man reading from a book. British

Portrait of an elderly Arab man. Portrait of an el...

A Methodist evangelist band. Group portrait of a Methodist evangelist band, who sing a song from a

A Methodist evangelist band. Group portrait of a M...

Winged scarab pectoral chain, from the tomb of Psusennes I

Winged scarab pectoral chain, from the tomb of Psu...

Illustrated page from the manuscript of Sabaoth

Illustrated page from the manuscript of Sabaoth

A drawing from the Marsden collection: Squirrels from Sumatra

A drawing from the Marsden collection: Squirrels f...

Album painting

Album painting

Indian writing set with painted cover depicting Colonel Younghusband on horseback, accompanied by a staff officer and interpreter

Indian writing set with painted cover depicting Co...

Folio 11v of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De Materia Medica

Folio 11v of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De ...

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual on horsemanship

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual ...

Detail of a page from the codex Troana Cortesianus, also know as the Madrid Codex

Detail of a page from the codex Troana Cortesianus...

A painting on stucco in the tomb of Sennedjem

A painting on stucco in the tomb of Sennedjem

View of the hallway leading to the tomb (KV 9) of Ramesses VI

View of the hallway leading to the tomb (KV 9) of ...

Thomas Pughe relaxes at 'Nundora'. Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, Australia, Oceania.

Thomas Pughe relaxes at 'Nundora'. Toowoomba, Quee...

An Archdeacon blesses a new ward. An Archdeacon reads from the bible as he blesses the construction

An Archdeacon blesses a new ward. An Archdeacon re...

Duke and Duchess of Connaught on deck. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught sit in lounge chairs,

Duke and Duchess of Connaught on deck. The Duke an...

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

The Codex Fejervary Mayer shown partially unfolded

The Codex Fejervary Mayer shown partially unfolded

Page from the Sahansahname, a chronicle of Ottoman Sultans, written by Loqman, probably illustrated by Nakkas Osman

Page from the Sahansahname, a chronicle of Ottoman...

An illustration for the 14th century Persian story 'The History of the Mongols'

An illustration for the 14th century Persian story...

On Slavery'. Title page of 'Memoir Addressed to the General, Constituent and Legislative Assembly

On Slavery'. Title page of 'Memoir Addressed to th...

An Answer to Mark Twain'. The cover of 'An Answer to Mark Twain', a piece of propaganda issued by

An Answer to Mark Twain'. The cover of 'An Answer ...

Denys Finch-Hatton with friends . Four European friends pose for an informal portrait outdoors. An

Denys Finch-Hatton with friends . Four European fr...

School of Sheikhs Hassan al Ifranji and Abid'. Palestinian Arab schoolchildren wearing 'keffiyehs'

School of Sheikhs Hassan al Ifranji and Abid'. Pal...

Salvaging books after a storm. A European couple salvage books and papers after a heavy storm at

Salvaging books after a storm. A European couple s...

A detail of a vignette from the Book of the Dead of Lady Cheritwebeshet

A detail of a vignette from the Book of the Dead o...

Detail from the Book of the Dead of Nebqed

Detail from the Book of the Dead of Nebqed

Detail from the Book of the Dead of Nebqed

Detail from the Book of the Dead of Nebqed

Illustration from the manuscript of Sabaoth with depiction Athanor, the alchemists furnace

Illustration from the manuscript of Sabaoth with d...

Album painting

Album painting

Folio 14r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De Materia Medica

Folio 14r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De ...

Folio 12r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De Materia Medica

Folio 12r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De ...

Pottery fragment with depiction of a young courtier holding a glass and a branch, with a ewer at his right

Pottery fragment with depiction of a young courtie...

Panel of the Codex Fejervary Mayer

Panel of the Codex Fejervary Mayer

Detail of a page from the Codex Becker depicting two war chiefs

Detail of a page from the Codex Becker depicting t...

Portrait of a Victorian lady, Australia. Portrait of a Victorian lady reading from a book against a

Portrait of a Victorian lady, Australia. Portrait ...

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

Page from the Codex Fejervary Mayer

Page from the Codex Fejervary Mayer

The legendary Swedish king, Gylfi, disguised as Gangleri (the weary walker) questions Odin in his triune form as High, Equally High and Third, about the origins of the world

The legendary Swedish king, Gylfi, disguised as Ga...

Detail from the 14th century Persian story 'The History of the Mongols'

Detail from the 14th century Persian story 'The Hi...

Rubber is Death'. A pamphlet written by John Harris entitled 'Rubber is Death, The Story of the

Rubber is Death'. A pamphlet written by John Harri...

Front cover for a catalogue by 'James Murray & Co.'. Still life study of a pair of spectacles

Front cover for a catalogue by 'James Murray & Co....

Manuscript illumination with depiction of demon strangling a patient

Manuscript illumination with depiction of demon st...

Detail from the Book of the Dead of Nebqed

Detail from the Book of the Dead of Nebqed

Illustration from a copy of The Book of Fixed Stars, written originally by the great Muslim astronomer Adb al Rahman Umar al Sufi

Illustration from a copy of The Book of Fixed Star...

Folio 5v of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De Materia Medica

Folio 5v of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De M...

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual on horsemanship

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual ...

Detail of a page from the Codex Fejervary Mayer

Detail of a page from the Codex Fejervary Mayer

Dressed up as nuns, Australia. Prunella ('Prue') Brodribb, pictured right, and two friends pose for

Dressed up as nuns, Australia. Prunella ('Prue') B...

Lennox-Boyd opens City Hall. Alan Tindal Lennox-Boyd (1904-1983) signs the visitors book at the

Lennox-Boyd opens City Hall. Alan Tindal Lennox-Bo...

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of Fixed Stars

Illustration from a copy of Al Sufis The Book of F...

Detail of a page from the codex Troana Cortesianus, also known as the Madrid Codex

Detail of a page from the codex Troana Cortesianus...

Title page of a manuscript with the inscription The World = Love

Title page of a manuscript with the inscription Th...

Detail from the 14th century Persian story 'The History of the Mongols'

Detail from the 14th century Persian story 'The Hi...

Viscountess Kathleen Simon. Portrait of Viscountess Kathleen Simon, nee Harvey (1871-1955), an

Viscountess Kathleen Simon. Portrait of Viscountes...

The Putumayo, The Devil's Paradise'. The book jacket of 'The Putumayo, The Devil's Paradise', a

The Putumayo, The Devil's Paradise'. The book jack...

Adult Hausa students in a classroom, Kano. Adult Hausa pupils sit studying at benches in a Nigerian

Adult Hausa students in a classroom, Kano. Adult H...

The British Empire Leave Club at Cologne. British Army officers relax in deckchairs inside the

The British Empire Leave Club at Cologne. British ...

Manuscript illumination with depiction of a court scene

Manuscript illumination with depiction of a court ...

Miniature from a Mamluk copy of the Automata of al Jaziri or the Book of Knowledge of Mechanical Devices

Miniature from a Mamluk copy of the Automata of al...

Album painting

Album painting

Folio 11r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De Materia Medica

Folio 11r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De ...

Folio 124r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De Materia Medica

Folio 124r of the Arabic version of Dioscorides De...

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual on horsemanship

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual ...

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual on horsemanship and animal husbandry

Illustration from Nihayat al Sul, a Mamluk manual ...

Detail of a page from the codex Troana Cortesianus, also know as the Madrid Codex

Detail of a page from the codex Troana Cortesianus...

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