
416 résultats pour : rocket,

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The rocket locomotive built by Robert Stephenson. The 'Rocket,' shown here in this 1901 engraving,

The rocket locomotive built by Robert Stephenson. ...

First Train on the Stockton and Darlington Railway - 1825 drawn by Stevenson’s ‘No. 1’. The world's

First Train on the Stockton and Darlington Railway...

Polaris Missile Launch

Polaris Missile Launch

North American X-15 Jet

North American X-15 Jet

The Rainhill Trials.

The Rainhill Trials.

United States: c. 1941

United States: c. 1941

Garrison parade, rocket carrier parade in red square.

Garrison parade, rocket carrier parade in red squa...

Military instruction, loading a rocket.

Military instruction, loading a rocket.

Rockwort groundsel

Rockwort groundsel

Wall Double Seed

Wall Double Seed

Sisymbrium irio

Sisymbrium irio

thale cress

thale cress

away rocket

away rocket

Sisymbrium terrestre

Sisymbrium terrestre

Les agriculteurs, la fusée de la grêle pour sauver les récoltes, 1950

Les agriculteurs, la fusée de la grêle pour sauver...

Soldiers practicing Bazooka Targeting.

Soldiers practicing Bazooka Targeting.

The Space Shuttle Challenger

The Space Shuttle Challenger

Space shuttle Columbia begins a new era of operational flights as it clears the launch tower

Space shuttle Columbia begins a new era of operati...

The space shuttle Columbia

The space shuttle Columbia

Space Shuttle Orbiter Enterprise

Space Shuttle Orbiter Enterprise

A large yellow, metal sling lifts shuttle Endeavour

A large yellow, metal sling lifts shuttle Endeavou...

In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida

In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy...

Scientists At Saturn Launch

Scientists At Saturn Launch

Long Live the First Astronaut

Long Live the First Astronaut

Long Live the Courage, Labor & Intellect of the Communist Party

Long Live the Courage, Labor & Intellect of the Co...

The Future is our Life

The Future is our Life

Long live the Soviet People & Its Pioneers

Long live the Soviet People & Its Pioneers

The Way is Open for a Human Being

The Way is Open for a Human Being

We are Born to Make Dreams Come True

We are Born to Make Dreams Come True

For the Glory of Communism

For the Glory of Communism

Sputnick of Friendship & Cooperation

Sputnick of Friendship & Cooperation

Soviet Citizens Be Proud; the Road to discovery is open

Soviet Citizens Be Proud; the Road to discovery is...

Long Live The first Woman Astronaut

Long Live The first Woman Astronaut

First stage of a Titan ICBM being lowered, 1963

First stage of a Titan ICBM being lowered, 1963

Wernher Von Braun demonstratingmissile technology

Wernher Von Braun demonstratingmissile technology

Nike missile launcher

Nike missile launcher

Moon Rocket

Moon Rocket

Flight to Mars

Flight to Mars

Rocketship X-M

Rocketship X-M

Titan I silo launch from ignition

Titan I silo launch from ignition

First Minuteman ICBM Launching

First Minuteman ICBM Launching

Locomotive The Rocket by George and Robert Stephenson from 1829

Locomotive The Rocket by George and Robert Stephen...

The solid rocket motors of the Delta II rocket which will to be used to launch the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft are erected at Launch Complex 17A at Cape Canaveral Air Station ca. 19...

The solid rocket motors of the Delta II rocket whi...

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – Fiery clouds light up Space Launch Complex-2 at the liftoff of the Delta II rocket carrying the Ocean Surface Topography Mission, or OSTM/Jason 2, spacecraft (ca. 2...

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – Fiery clouds l...

1998 - Lighting up the launch pad below, a Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket is silhouetted in the morning light as it propels Deep Space 1 into the sky after liftoff from Launch Complex 17A, Cape Canaver...

1998 - Lighting up the launch pad below, a Boeing ...

(21 Aug. 1965) --- Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper Jr. (left) and Charles Conrad Jr. are seen in the Gemini-5 spacecraft in the white room at Pad 19 just after insertion

(21 Aug. 1965) --- Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper Jr....

STS-44 Atlantis, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104, is moved from KSC's OPF

STS-44 Atlantis, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104, is move...

2008 - A Delta II rocket carrying the Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason 2 satellite, is prepared for launch at Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

2008 - A Delta II rocket carrying the Ocean Surfac...

1998 - A Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket lights up the clouds of exhaust below as it propels Deep Space 1 into the sky after liftoff from Launch Complex 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station.

1998 - A Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket lights up t...

The frustum of a forward skirt assembly of a spent solid rocket booster (SRB) from the STS-87 launch on Nov. 19 is transported into the Hangar AF area at Cape Canaveral Air Station ca. 1997

The frustum of a forward skirt assembly of a spent...

(21 Aug. 1965) --- View of astronaut Charles Conrad Jr. through the window as he sits in the Gemini-5 spacecraft during preflight activities

(21 Aug. 1965) --- View of astronaut Charles Conra...

1998 - A Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket hurls Deep Space 1 through the morning clouds after liftoff, creating sun-challenging light with its exhaust, from Launch Complex 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station...

1998 - A Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket hurls Deep ...

1998 - Lighting up the launch pad, a Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket propels Deep Space 1 through the morning clouds after liftoff from Launch Complex 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station.

1998 - Lighting up the launch pad, a Boeing Delta ...

1991 - Pegasus Engine Ignites after Drop from B-52 Mothership

1991 - Pegasus Engine Ignites after Drop from B-52...

1998 - (Left) A solid rocket booster is lifted for installation onto the Boeing Delta 7326 rocket that will launch Deep Space 1 at Launch Pad 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station.

1998 - (Left) A solid rocket booster is lifted for...

Space Shuttle Columbia rolls over from Orbiter Processing Facility bay 1 to the Vehicle Assembly Building to be mated to its external tank/solid rocket booster stack ca. 1997

Space Shuttle Columbia rolls over from Orbiter Pro...

1998 - A booster is lifted off a truck for installation onto the Boeing Delta 7326 rocket that will launch Deep Space 1 at Launch Pad 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station.

1998 - A booster is lifted off a truck for install...

1970s America -  Rocket Drive-In, Sweetwater, Texas 1979

1970s America - Rocket Drive-In, Sweetwater, Texa...

The Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia is reflected in a nearby pond as it rolls over to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) ca. 1997

The Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia is reflected in...

1998 - The first stage of Boeing's Delta 7326 rocket, which will be used to launch the Deep Space 1 spacecraft, is lifted into place above the surface of Pad 17A at Cape Canaveral Air Station.

1998 - The first stage of Boeing's Delta 7326 rock...

1998 - Arriving in the early morning hours at Pad 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station, the fairing for Deep Space 1 is lifted from the truck before being raised to its place on the Boeing Delta 7326 rocke...

1998 - Arriving in the early morning hours at Pad ...

The second stage of the Delta II rocket which will to be used to launch the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft is erected at Launch Complex 17A at Cape Canaveral  ca. 1997

The second stage of the Delta II rocket which will...

Space Shuttle Orbiter Discovery rolls over from Orbiter Processing Facility 2 on top of the orbiter transporter to the Vehicle Assembly Building for mating with its external tank and solid rocket boos...

Space Shuttle Orbiter Discovery rolls over from Or...

STS-42 Pilot Oswald uses the IMAX camera system (ICS) during JSC training

STS-42 Pilot Oswald uses the IMAX camera system (I...

1970s America -  Rocket Drive-In, Sweetwater, Texas 1979

1970s America - Rocket Drive-In, Sweetwater, Texa...

Space Shuttle Columbia rolls over from Orbiter Processing Facility bay 1 to the Vehicle Assembly Building to be mated to its external tank/solid rocket booster stack ca. 1997

Space Shuttle Columbia rolls over from Orbiter Pro...

1998 - The first stage of Boeing's Delta 7326 rocket, which will be used to launch the Deep Space 1 spacecraft, arrives at Pad 17A at Cape Canaveral Air Station.

1998 - The first stage of Boeing's Delta 7326 rock...

1998 - In a view from Press Site 1 at Cape Canaveral Air Station, a Boeing Delta II (7326) rocket lights up the ground as it propels Deep Space 1 into the sky after liftoff from Launch Complex 17A.

1998 - In a view from Press Site 1 at Cape Canaver...

At Launch Complex 40 on Cape Canaveral Air Station, the Mobile Service Tower is rolled away from the Titan IVB/Centaur carrying the Cassini spacecraft ca. 1997

At Launch Complex 40 on Cape Canaveral Air Station...

The first stage of the Delta II rocket which will to be used to launch the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft is erected at Launch Complex 17A at Cape Canaveral Air Station ca. 1997

The first stage of the Delta II rocket which will ...

In this onboard photo, astronauts Hieb, Akers, and Thuot have handholds on the INTELSAT VI satellite, a communications satellite for the International Telecommunication Satellite organization.

In this onboard photo, astronauts Hieb, Akers, and...

Mercury-Redstone 4 spacecraft launching 7/21/1961

Mercury-Redstone 4 spacecraft launching 7/21/1961

(16 July 1969) The huge, 363-feet tall Apollo 11 (Spacecraft 107Lunar Module 5Saturn 506) space vehicle is launched from Pad A

(16 July 1969) The huge, 363-feet tall Apollo 11 (...

Dr. Robert Goddard's 22 foot rocket in it's launching tower, 1940, near Roswell, New Mexico. N.T. Ljungquist on the ground, A.W. Kisk working on rocket and C. Mansur at top of tower.

Dr. Robert Goddard's 22 foot rocket in it's launch...

Dr. Robert H. Goddard's tower and shelter at the Army artillery range at Camp Devens, in Ayer, Massachusetts in the winter of 1929-1930. Goddard originally began testing rockets on his aunt's farm in ...

Dr. Robert H. Goddard's tower and shelter at the A...

Wernher von Braun ca. 1956

Wernher von Braun ca. 1956

The launch of the Mercury-Redstone (MR-3), Freedom 7. MR-3 placed the first American astronaut, Alan Shepard, in suborbit on May 5, 1961.

The launch of the Mercury-Redstone (MR-3), Freedom...

(16 July 1969) The huge, 363-feet tall Apollo 11 (Spacecraft 107Lunar Module SSaturn 506) space vehicle is launched from Pad A

(16 July 1969) The huge, 363-feet tall Apollo 11 (...

Standing in front of the rocket in the launch tower on September 23, 1935, are (left to right): Harry F. Guggenheim; Dr. Robert H. Goddard; and Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. Charles Lindbergh, an advocat...

Standing in front of the rocket in the launch towe...

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945). Dr. Goddard has been recognized as the father of American rocketry and as one of the pioneers in the theoretical exploration of space.

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945). Dr. Godd...

Control Room at the NACA’s Rocket Engine Test Facility ca. 1957

Control Room at the NACA’s Rocket Engine Test Faci...

Wernher von Braun

Wernher von Braun

A researcher works a demonstration board in the Rocket Engine Test Facility during the 1957 Inspection of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory

A researcher works a demonstration board in the Ro...

Robert Goddard with a rocket in his workshop at Roswell, NM. October 1935.

Robert Goddard with a rocket in his workshop at Ro...

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945). Dr. Goddard has been recognized as the father of American rocketry and as one of the pioneers in the theoretical exploration of space. Robert Hutchings Goddar...

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945). Dr. Godd...

Dr. Robert H. Goddard loading a 1918 version of the Bazooka of World War II.

Dr. Robert H. Goddard loading a 1918 version of th...

Wernher von Braun ca. 1960

Wernher von Braun ca. 1960

1961 - Astronauts Glenn, Grissom and Shepard - Redstone

1961 - Astronauts Glenn, Grissom and Shepard - Red...

(1 Oct. 1961) Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. (right) receives a plaque and award from members of the British Rocket Society.

(1 Oct. 1961) Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. (right...

NASA Engineer Examines the Design of a Regeneratively-Cooled Rocket Engine ca. 1958

NASA Engineer Examines the Design of a Regenerativ...

Daniel Sokolowski in the Rocket Operations Building ca. 1966

Daniel Sokolowski in the Rocket Operations Buildin...

A Redstone missile being erected.

A Redstone missile being erected.

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945). Dr. Goddard has been recognized as the father of American rocketry and as one of the pioneers in the theoretical exploration of space.

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945). Dr. Godd...

Able, An American-born rhesus monkey. This photograph shows Able after recovery of the nose cone of the Jupiter rocket by U.S.S. Kiowa.

Able, An American-born rhesus monkey. This photogr...

Chuck Yeager, Gus Lundquist and Jim Fitzgerald

Chuck Yeager, Gus Lundquist and Jim Fitzgerald

Kiwi-A3 Nuclear Rocket Test

Kiwi-A3 Nuclear Rocket Test

Titan I base

Titan I base

Dr. Robert Goddard works on a rocket at his shop in Roswell, New Mexico. Dr. Goddard is recognized as the 'Father of American Rocketry.' October 1935.

Dr. Robert Goddard works on a rocket at his shop i...

Alvin S White-Test Pilot

Alvin S White-Test Pilot

Saturn Launch

Saturn Launch

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